Josephine Ranes

If you can feel, then you can write

Tag: wanting

  • I stand in silence to hear him

    But he isn’t saying anything.

    They say to watch a mans actions

    But he does absolutely nothing.

    I push myself beyond the point of reason

    Because I believe it reveals the truth of my intention.

    Requested advice from what was supposed to be my own kind

    But the dominance in me yells at them to shut up when they speak.

    Then someone I thought was wise told me that animals

    Are better than us because they only kill for food

    I said “yes, but even animals have many scavengers

    Those that seek to obtain what they didn’t get themselves.”

    Besides, animals fight for dead things

    I fight for the living, exclusively.

    The only thing I can ascertain in this situation

    Is that I hope he loves me far more

    Than he wants her.